Tuesday, January 14, 2014


What's with the title?
Well it's both mean "Life is full of lie" or "Lie is something that F you", if you know what I mean.

Dusta semua, dustaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Entah berapa kali ingin teriak gini. :))

Iya, semua.








Banyak yang dusta. Telinga saya capek ngedenger sesuatu yang berbau kebohongan. Udah terlalu banyak.

Kenapa sih harus bohong demi reputasi? Nggak capek apa pake 'topeng' terus? Mau kapan buka topengnya?

We are all a big faker in our own life, in our own way? Well, fuck. Well yeah, sometimes I feel like a big faker, too.


Now I question myself a same question; "Nggak capek apa pake 'topeng' terus, self?"

In my case, I lie to people because some people can't stand my real-me. What is it again? Pencitraan? Yeah, such of. But I stay true to those whose on my side. Again, if you know what I mean.

Well, sebohong-bohongnya gue, seenggaknya gue nggak making up a story, sih. Gitu. Dan yang bikin muak tuh sebenernya yang gitu. Omongannya jauuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh sama keadaan aslinya. Pitonjokeun-able lah pokoknya. Like you want to shout "Shut up" all the time, every time they create such a story.

Why can't people just give you a right statement instead of a wrong information which just lead other people to a wrong way? I honestly don't get this.

Oh right, they did it so that they can have something in life called benefit. FOCKING BENEFIT. Benefit for them is not for us, sometimes. That's what people do, isn't it? You know—creating such stories with masks so that they gain a good reputation or other people interested on them and then they gave them these benefits like money or certificates or friends or whatever...

I don't know, man. Maybe I have a 'lie radar' that can detect liar around me and then kill them on my brain—which just so evil, I know. But sorry, I couldn't stand a wrong data. I'm so sick of it, really.

So SHUT UP, BULSH! Be true for a second, can you? To yourself and if you can, be true to the world.

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