Sunday, December 28, 2014
Like A Broken Vase
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
October 15, 2014
Hah. Selamat pagi.
Post ini mungkin bakalan berisi curhatan atau apapun yang ada di kepala yang pasti 1 hal dan lainnya gak ada hubungannya sama sekali :))
Jadi gini, semalem kan tidur nyenyak banget. Bangun bahagia karena ngerasa fully-rested. Terus semangat mau belajar fisika buat UTS besok.
Terus, beranjak dari kasur. Ke kamar mandi. Selesai. Lapar. Beli makan. Kekenyangan. Malah jadi males. Dan ini lagi ngebangun semangat gitu deh ceritanya. Kangen nulis. :))
Kata hasil tes sidik jari, gue termasuk orang yang rajin dan kalau males tuh berarti ada yang salah sama diri gue. Kalau dijelasin secara scientific, gue lupa gimana penalarannya. Yang pasti, katanya, gue tuh gak boleh diem. Karena sumber energinya dari hal-hal kinetik. Ah elah, ribet amat kayaknya yak. Intinya, gue butuh olahraga for my brain's sake. Terus dari tadi gue jadi olahraga kecil-kecilan gitu deh. Dan sekarang malah ingin renang. Ya ampun. Terakhir renang kapan sih...
Terus gue ingin liburan ke tempat yang penuh oksigen. Sumpek di sini... Hhhh.
Eh geli gak sih sama yang macem the one and only problem that one had is love. Yaelah. Gini ya, layaknya bahagia, galau adalah pilihan :D
Eh ini ngetik dari HP, ingin insert picture gak tau gimana caranya. Haha.
Ada gambar, isinya quote gini:
Everyone should smile.
Life really isn't that serious.
We make it hard.
The sun rises.
The sun sets.
We just tend to complicate the process.
Pasrah aja kalau ada orang yang pilih pergi dari hidup kita. Toh, kalau semua baik-baik aja, kalau orang itu emang nyaman sama cara hidup kita, klop sama kita, ya dia pasti gak akan kemana-mana kok. So, why bother to chase something that not belong to us? Eh, this not only about love lho ya. Berlaku hampir di semua case.
Ya ampun dah, baru aja kenal. Call me having a trust issue, I don't care.
Eh jangan-jangan gue doang lagi yang bingung sama banyak banget maba yang cinlok? :))
You know what, masalah yang Telkom punya tuh yaitu, terlalu banyak lahan kosong yang gak injek-able. Lo bayangin deh, secara denah, gedung LC sama TUCH tuh cuman tinggal lurus gitu. Tapi karena gak ada lahan sebagai jalan yang layak untuk diinjak, kita harus muter lewat poliklinik -> asrama -> parkiran gersang macem gurun -> TUCH. Atau opsi 2: ke luar gerbang Tel-U -> masuk gerbang IM -> lurus terus sampai pengkor, nyampe TUCH. Opsi 3: ke luar LC -> belok menuju danau galau -> lewat FIK -> belok kiri ke TUCH.
Atau dari gedung A dan B mau ke T-mart yang sama aja cuman lurus doang gitu, harus muter juga karena ada lahan kosong yang gak injek-able. Udah ah males juga ngejabarin rute muternya. Haha.
Yap. Akhirnya giliran gue buat pake kamar mandi. Haha, iya. Ini nulis sebenernya sambil ngantri mandi jugak sih :)) gotta go for shower and physich. Bye. Ttyl. C u.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
But, speaking of which, I really. Really. Really. Love this kind of progress.
Kehidupan di SMA sama kuliah tuh bener-bener beda. Entah emang kehidupan SMA dan kuliah yang beda, atau mungkin emang cara hidup gue aja yang beda..
Kalau pas SMA, gue tidur selalu jam 1-3 malem, sekarang udah nggak lagi. Paling lama tuh jadi jam 12. Haha. Awal-awal asrama sih sempet tidur jam 2. Makin sini kebawa sama temen-temen sekamar yang jam 9-10an udah pada tidur. Bukannya apa sih... Horror bok, kalau bangun tengah malem sendirian tuh! HAHA! IYA! Gue parno! Kenapa? Jangan tanya deh ya sebelum gue keluar dari asrama. Hehe. Hehe.
Pas SMA, yang namanya scroll timeline twitter tuh tiap waktu! Akhir-akhir ini, buka twitter kalau inget doang. Atau kalau lagi ingin update aja. Gak begitu banyak nge-scroll. Al hasil? Jadi kudet. Tapiiiiii, I found something that more exciting than to scrolling my phone. It's to live around people. To actually have a conversation with them and actually be there with them.
Gue ngelatih diri, kalau lagi bareng temen, yang namanya HP tuh disakuin. Ditaro. Dicuekin. Eh enggak deng. Gak dicuekin jugak sih. Dicek juga, tapi sesekali. Barangkali ada yang penting :)) Karena, ketawa dan bagi-bagi cerita sama real person itu jauh lebih asyik ketimbang ngoceh di media sosial :D
So guys, if you want to reach me or something, just do it via LINE. Grup jurusan dan kelas pada pake LINE soalnya. Jadi LINE lebih sering dibuka ketimbang twitter, whatsapp, atau apapun lah. Hehe.
Oh ya, dosen! Enggak, gue gak mau lah ngomongin dosen yang kurang cocok. Mungkin bukan kurang cocok. Tapi cuman belum adaptasi sama cara pengajarannya aja. Yang pasti, so far, dosen yang paling favorite tuh ya Dosen Kalkulus I! Dan ini gak ngada-ngada. Beneran deh! :D
Mungkin, sebagian dari maba-miba teknik pada ngenes ketemu si kalkulus ini. Lo tau, pertama kali gue liat SKS selama 8 semester aja, gue takut ngeliat kalkulus sama fisika. Even though basically I love Math since I was in elementary school, but still! Trauma pengajar pas SMA yang bikin gue takut ngehadapinnya.
Tapi Bu Dosen Kalkulus I ini yang bikin beda. Dua jam ada di kelasnya sama sekali nggak berasa. Namanya Bu Endang. Pertama kali masuk udah dapet tugas. Dan tugasnya adalah.......... nulis mimpi! :D Thing that I love the most! :D Si Ibu ini, selain ngajarin caranya bermimpi, dia juga ngajarin untuk bahagia. Untuk mensugesti diri dengan hal-hal positif, dan gue suka banget cara dia ngajar. Perlahan, jelas, bikin ngerti. Walaupun emang mata gue yang mulai lelah karena 2 kelasnya ada di jam rawan ngantuk, entah gimana ceritanya pasti ujung-ujungnya seger dah ini mata :)) Macem si ibu tau, kalau mungkin, banyak anak-anak yang mulai ngantuk. Dia seling pake cerita-cerita. Baru dah matanya seger lagi :D
Oh, belum afdol rasanya kalau belum ngenalin tempat-tempat di Telkom University. Selama sebulan ini, gue demennnnnn banget sama yang namanya nongkrong di Learning Center alias LC! :D Gedung LC ini ada 5 lantai. Gue paling sering nongkrong di lantai 4, di ruang Audio yang adalah bagian dari lantai 3 (perpustakaan). Perpustakaan LC ini emang 2 lantai. Lantai 3-4. Bukunya ada banyak banget sih. Sayangnya, novel-novel luarnya banyaknya yang terjemahan, bukan yang asli. Terus, di ruang audio itu, disediain DVD-DVD buat nonton. Dan, PC+jaringan internet yang untuk standar Indonesia, tergolong kenceng mampus. Udah gitu, di perpustakaan ini disediain kopi dan teh gratis :D
Pertama kali ninggalin rumah buat tinggal di asrama yang bikin gue sedih adalah: Ninggalin jalan Pahlawan dengan kestrategisan lokasinya yang mau ke mana pun gampang. Dan yang paling penting, jajanan di sekitarnya. NAH! Minggu awal-awal di asrama sumpah gue enek banget sama makanannya. Eh terus dikenalin sama Jalan Sukabirus. YA AMPUN BOOOKKKKKK!!!! Jalan Pahlawan aja kalah! Lo tau gak? Dari mulai jajanan Sunda, Betawi, Padang, Medan, Eropa, Jepang, semuaaaa ada di Jalan Sukabirus :D tapi gak usah expect yang masakan Eropa bakalan seaduhai yang aslinya. Namanya juga makanan Eropa kantong mahasiswa.. Ya begitu dehh haha :D Oh ya, ada coffee shop juga di Sukabirus. Ingin nyoba sih dari kapan.. Cuman belum kesampaian aja sampai sekarang.. Ya abis.. bukanya sore ke malem. Bukan jam-jamnya ngeluyur. Pokoknya ya, kalau udah lelah kuliah, kadang langsung pulang ke asrama aja, gitu... Udah gitu diem dah di kamar, makan via delivery :)) Gaya amat yak, delivery? Tapi deliverynya bukan macem junk food gitu, kok. Harga makanan-makanan delivery tuh kisaran 10-15an lah. Mayan lah pokoknya haha
Udah dah, segini dulu ceritanya. Begadang kali ini gue persembahkan untuk fisika tercintah, sebenernya.. :'))
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Hey, It's Been A Week!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Surrender. Berserah.
Entah sih kenapa. Padahal sebenernya ada bahan post yang belum. Tentang album ke-3nya Adhitia Sofyan. Tapi entahlah...
Dibilang sibuk nggak begitu padahal. Cuman minggu-minggu ini doang sibuknya. Sebelum-sebelumnya senggang. Entahlah kenapa, terakhir post itu Juni ya? :))
Well, so much things happened lately. Sebulan terakhir banyak belajar tentang hidup.
(Ceileh, haha)
Tapi serius.
Disadarin sama Tuhan bahwa nggak perlu buru-buru. Bahwa rencana manusia belum disetujui sama Tuhan itu nggak apa-apa. Bahwa yang namanya 'legowo' itu nggak segampang yang diomongin. Tapi alhamdulillah bisa :)
Datang ke Telkom, nggak butuh 15 menit, nggak banyak ba-bi-bu, status pelajar saya di sana bisa diselamatin :'))
Nahan nangis. Jerman nggak jadi. Mamah pasti tau, makanya nanya lagi, "De nggak apa-apa telkom?" "Ya yaudah."
Terus nelepon Abang. Ditanyain lagi, "Terus kamunya mau nggak Telkom?" "Ya si mamah kan udah sampai ngusahain, Bang.." Dan mamah lagi sakit waktu itu..
"Jurusan apa?" "Computer science." "Emang pilihan kamu, kan?" "Iya sih, tapi.." "Ya udah ambil aja, kemarin kamu nangis-nangis takut nganggur 1 tahun. Sekarang dikasih telkom. Ini kesempatan ke-2, lho. Jangan disia-sia-in. Udah jangan sedih lagi. " And on and on and on. Long convo.
Di mobil nangis sendiri. Macet. Sambil mikir :)
Apa yang semesta kasih, kamu terima.
Semesta kasih saya Telkom. Harus saya terima.
Cari sisi baiknya. Ketemu :)
Dan saya sekarang baik-baik saja.
You know, in life, it is true that whatever seems bad is not actually that bad (and vice versa). All you have to do is just seek the good side of it. ;)
Those plans are not cancelled, but postponed. I'll be there someday, I promise myself.
Oh iya, selamat hari raya Idul Fitri. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Saya bahagia. Semoga kamu juga, ya ^^
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Semesta Itu Lucu
"Berputar menjadi sesuatu yang bukan kita, demi bisa menjadi diri kita lagi." - Perahu Kertas, Dee.Kutipan di atas emang bener, ya.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Antara Berjelajah, Semesta, dan Tuhan
Bilang ke semua orang bahwa kata-kata, "Semua berawal dari mimpi" itu nyata.. ☺
Kemarin, pas baca Al-Qur'an, ternyata Tuhan nyuruh umat-Nya untuk menjelajahi semesta. Ada juga tentang apa aja yang gak boleh dilakuin sama manusia kalau mau berjelajah. Semoga suatu saat nanti kesampean deh, aamiin.. :D
Dan (ingatlah), ketika kami berfirman: Masuklah kamu ke negeri ini (Baitul Maqdis), dan makanlah dari hasil buminya, yang banyak lagi enak dimana kamu sukai, dan masukilah pintu gerbangnya sambil bersujud, dan katakanlah: "Bebaskan kami dari dosa", niscaya Kami ampuni kesalahan-kesalahanmu. Dan kelak Kami akan menambah (pemberian Kami) kepada orang-orang yang berbuat baik". (2:58)
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Monday, May 12, 2014
Forget Your Plans by Adhitia Sofyan
1. Forget Jakarta
About the song: For all our love and hate towards the city of Jakarta.
Ceritanya mau ninggalin Jakarta. Pindah, entah kemana. Dalem atau luar negeri, mungkin. But if you stay, then I will stay.
And I put all my heart to get to where you are
Maybe it’s time to move away
I forget Jakarta
And all the empty promises will fall
This time, I’m gone to where this journey ends
But if you stay, then I will stay
Even though this town’s not what it used to be
And pieces of your life you try to recognize
All went down
I travel the world to get to where you are
Strangers i met along the way
You forget Jakarta
2. After The Rain
About the song: The simple thought of missing someone that’s far far away.
Ini lagu sweet banget, sumpeh! Sumpeh? SUMPEH!
If I could bottled the smell of the wet land after the rain
I’d make it a perfume and send it to your house
Tentang LDR yang beda pulau nih, kayaknya. Iya, lagi-lagi bahas LDR.
In a far land across
You’re standing at the sea
Then the wind blows the scent
And that little star is there to guide me
If only I could find my way to the ocean
I’m already there with you
If somewhere down the line
We will never get to meet
I’ll always wait for you after the rain
3. Apology
Ini cachy bangetlah pokoknya. Wajib denger!
You owe me an apology
For the hit and run
For the mangled heart
As I recall I was doing fine
I was on my way
Now I'm on my back
Has anybody see where'd she go?
I think she can't be far away
She could be dancing on my stage of misery, all along
4. Secret
About the song: That secret thought behind your head that you’d always want to steal the one you want from others.
GOD, I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SONG. Entahlah, lagu ini semacam... semacam.. entahlah. I mean, the lyric. It just... *shrug*
Can you keep a secret, just a little secret
It wont take much of your time
Maybe it’s the weather, I don’t really bother
I’m just trying to make you mine
Leave your boring castle
Run with me
And when you hold my hand
I’ll be all right I would not cry
In to the open air
We’ll see the light along the way
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Quiet Down by Adhitia Sofyan
Nggak pernah sebelumnya nge-fans sama musik karya orang Indonesia sampai sebegininya. Dulu sih pas kecil, gue ngefans banget tuh sama yang namanya Agnez Monica. Tetapi semua berubah sejak negara api menyerang..
Eh bentar. Negara api itu menyerangnya kapan, ya?
Nggak tau, ya?
Oke deh.
Pokoknya ngefans sama Agnez (Eh, Agnez apa Agnes, sih?) tuh jaman SD. Ngeliatnya keren gitu dancenya. Dan kayaknya emang cuman suka-sukaan aja, gitu. Nggak bener-bener 'diresapi'. Pas SMP, ngefansnya jadi sama Taylor Swift. Ini awet banget ngefans sama Taylor tuh. Sampai punya ratusan lagu di folder. Beranjak SMA, sekitar kelas 11, kenalan sama musiknya Ed Sheeran, gara-gara dia duet sama Tay di lagu Everything Has Changed. Sampai punya ratusan lagu juga dari Ed. Dan sampai sekarang masih sih ngefans sama Tay dan Ed ini.. ♥
Sip, cerita di atas ditutup sampai disini. Balik lagi ke musiknya Adhitia Sofyan.
Suatu hari,
Bentar. Aku kalau ngomong sehari-hari kan pake 'aku', ya. Cuman kalau di blog mah 'gue' aja lah, ya. Biar lebih nyante gimana gitu, bro 8))
Oke, jadi gini. Suatu hari, gue nonton film pertamanya Raditya Dika, yakni Kambing Jantan. Waktu itu nontonnya dari youtube. Pas di ending film, ada lagu yang bikin stuck di kepala sampai beberapa hari. Liriknya:
I'll be, looking at my window, seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember?
I'll be, hearing my own footsteps, under Adelaide sky
Would you kind enough to remember?
Yang emang keadaannya pas banget sama posisi si Bang Radit saat itu, yang lagi di Adelaide, Australia dan LDRan sama pacarnya.
Respon pertama denger lagunya: 'Eh, catchy nih. Enak lagunya. Kayak gak asing, kayak pernah denger. Lagu siapa, sih?'
Browsing-browsing liat ke song-listnya Kambing Jantan, dan ketemu judulnya Adelaide Sky. Terus diliat siapa penyanyinya...
'YA AMPUN, TERNYATA ORANG INDONESIA? :O Kirain penyanyi luar, lah! :O'
Distalk youtubenya....
'Ih, asik ya lagu-lagunya..'
Akhirnya didownload semua albumnya :'D
Albumnya waktu itu berbentuk .zip kalau gak salah. Karena males nge-unzip, akhirnya si album ada di folder komputer selama berbulan-bulan, dan playlist winamp masih penuh sama Ed waktu itu. Sampai akhirnya agak bosen sama lagu Ed yang itu-itu lagi, akhirnya foldernya di-unzip, dan sekarang entah udah berapa bulan lagu-lagunya Bang Adit ada di playlist winamp. Diputer shuffle, dan repeat-all. :D
Kali ini, mau bahas Quiet Down, album yang pertamanya. Untuk album yang kedua dan ketiga, entah mau dibahasnya kapan. Karena satu, ini tuh postan kedua di blog ini di hari ini. Dan dua, cadangan buat post bulan Mei. X)) Jadi, kemungkinan buat album yang kedua dan ketiga, bakal dipostnya minggu depan. :D
1. Adelaide Sky
Kayak yang udah dibahas sedikit di atas, lagu ini tentang LDRan, dan salah satu tokoh yang menjalani LDR ini ada di Adelaide.
I'll fly away tomorrow
To far away
I'll admit a cliché
Things won't be the same without you
Tentang how-I-want-you-to-fly-with-me
I let you know what's on my mind
I wish they've made you portable
Then I carry you around and round
And I bet you'll look good on me
Tentang how-I-miss-you-when-we-apart-and-it's-so-hard-for-just-to-talk-with-you
I've been meaning to call you soon
But we're in different times
You might not be home now
Would you take a message
I'll try to stay awake
And fight your presence in my head
2. Memilihmu
Lagu ini satu-satunya lagu Bang Adit yang gue punya, yang berbahasa Indonesia. It's pretty catchy, I can say.
Dari judul juga bisa ditebak, kalau ini lagu tentang memilihmu :))
Lagu ini semacam bilang, "Memilih itu nggak gampang. And then I choose you. Ya walaupun, I'll never get you. Siapa lah saya, berani-beraninya mimpi bisa sama kamu."
Memilihmu perlu kemampuan yang total
Gitarku saja tak cukup tuk jadi andalan
Cikiciki bombom out the door
I’ll never gonna get you anyway
Cikiciki bombom I’m outta here
I’ll never gonna get you anyway
'.... Saya nyerah, deh.'
Mungkin di lain waktu
Kau ada waktu tuk dengar aku
Sekarang saatnya ku pergi
3. Blue Sky Collapse
Kalau dari versi album EP yang Adhitia Sofyan Live From His Album, sih ada lirik awalnya dulu, kayak gini:
I am waiting on a line, hoping you change your mind
I am waiting under big blue sky, collapsing on me
Ini tentang putus. Dan susah move on.
I wonder if I should look back
To all of the things that were said and done
I think we should talk it over
Tapi si dianya mah semacam, 'Dude. What's done is done. We're done. We're over. Get over it.'
Then I noticed the sign on your back
It boldly says try to walk away
Tapi ya tetep aja yang namanya susah move on mah mau gimana lagi...
Still everyday I think about you
I know for a fact that’s not your problem
Keukeuh, ya..
You see people are trying
To find their way back home
So I’ll find my way to you
4. Invisible
Aku kurang ngerti juga sih yang ini. Tapi yang aku 'artiin' sih, ya.. Entah bener atau enggak, but here's how I heard it..
Lagu ini tentang, you know, how complicated life is, and God, seriously can we just be invisible? You and me? Disappear? Only both of us? Let just go somewhere, and we'll forget about the world.
Well I would if you want to go
Just disappear from this madness
Yeah I would if you want to go
Where we will remain invisible
5. Greates Cure
Probably, ini tentang anaknya Bang Adit. :'D
Can’t wait to see those sleepy eyes
They will refuse to end the day
Can’t wait to hear those mumbling goo
Saying I got a lot to learn
I’ll be on my way, wait till you see the toys I bought
I’ll be by your side, let’s close our eyes and end the day
6. In To You
Lagu ini.... Lagu ini... Hehehe. :'))
Ini tentang, ketika kamu dan dia deket..
Early in the morning I was still in bed
You call me just in time when the sunlight comes
You said “How was your sleep? I didn’t do too well.
Would you be a friend and take a walk with me?”
Sementara rumor bilang, "Dia nggak baik. Player." yang mungkin secara nggak langsung bilang, "Kenapa dia, sih? Jangan dia!"
My friends they all been telling me that you’re no good
You broke a lot of hearts and you don’t even know
And you'd be like, "Masa, sih? Nggak percaya, ah.. Eh tapi.. Iya nggak, sih.."
I refuse to believe any of that is true
But I’ll hate it when they’re right and tell me told you so
'... Tapi kalau beneran kan berabe.. Ah tapi, gapapa lah. Udah. Terlanjur. Suka.'
I don’t want to be a victim of a broken heart
I don’t want to put myself into another mess yeah
I don’t want to be a fool and make a big mistake
I should’ve known better, but it’s alright
Cause I’m in to you
Kepikiran terus... Yaudah jalanin dulu aja lah, ya..
Early in the morning I was still in bed
The thought of you remains the biggest mystery
I was left unsure of all this thing would go
I guess I’ll think about it when I walk with you
7. Reality
Nggak bisa tidur. Butuh kamu. Halah.
Well I have been trying lately to close my eyes
Those little lambs complaining they’re getting tired
Try as I may and I would fell off my bed
Don’t tell me no bedtime stories,
They just won’t do this time
I know just what the cure is it’s gonna work
I need to get you by my side
There’s no other way
Semacam, 'Where are you? Pikiran saya nggak di kehidupan nyata. Ngelayang. Mikirin kamu.'
But every time I try to catch you I stumble and I fall
How do I begin to finish this never ending fairy tale
I need to get back to reality
Every time you do that thing the thing you always do
I ended up in misery while starring at your photograph
I’m loosing my grip to reality
8. Deadly Storm Lightning Thunder
Belakangan ini, lagu ini di repeat gitu..
Jadi gini... kamu pergi. Jauh. Beda benua. Kamu bisa kasih kabar, nggak?
Would you call me if you can
I’m waiting underneath it all
All the mess and the chaos you’ve caused
Now you’re nowhere to be found
So tell me I’m trying to define
The meaning of unconditional love
When it puts you faced down on the ground
You’re out there sailing away
Iya, ngerti. Di sana lebih 'hijau'. Lebih baik daripada di sini.
It’s all right I totally understand
They’re greener on the other side
And the sun will shine brighter everyday
I guess that’s where all the light goes
Saya nggak apa-apa di sini. And I hope the best for you.Seneng-seneng di sana, ya! :')
And I’m ok, I hope the best for you
Remember to go out and have fun
You could spend the day out in the ocean
I heard the water’s fine over there
Saya coba buat rela. Dan di mana pun kamu, Tuhan selalu dekat bersamamu.
I guess I ‘ll learn to come by without you
And somewhere out there I’m sure God is watching you close
Ya walaupun, saya berharap ada petir yang menyambarmu, and it hits your head so hard. Then you'll come to me.
Just maybe a deadly storm will come and catch you
Lightning thunder will strike you
It hits your head so hard you’ll come to me
9. Without Your Love (WYL)
You know I can't live without
You know I won't live without
Yea I refuse to live without your love
10. City of Flowers
Semacam, 'Don't cry, honey. We're leaving the town. And we're going to a place where I was born. Leave all your trouble. We'll create our new stories over there.'
Pack your bags we’re leaving out of town
Wear that big black scarf wrapped around your pretty face
I’m not gonna stand here hopelessly while I see you cry
And yeah, it only takes two hours from here
Yeah, when we get there we’ll write our brand new stories
We’re going to a place I know, where I was born
The city of flowers been waiting so long
Life too short you could’ve been shot
Remember this time, leave all your troubles behind
Dan kemudian, 'Please, just let me help you..'
All your life you’ve waited for a time when that someone comes
To get your feet back on the ground
I’ll be that someone to help just like in that Beatles song
So here we go we’re going to a place
At the rainbows end to put some colors back on you
Let me be the gold and I will put the shine on you
11. Number One
With breakfast on the go
We’ll dine on city lights
Didn’t I tell you to just sit back
Cause my girl, they all don’t matter
Cause you don’t even have to try
You’re already my number one
I don’t need the mellow tunes
And all the lines you’ve wasted over me
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Okay, before I begin, I'll just share some quotes from that book.
Bono met his wife in high school, Park says.
So did Jerry Lee Lewis, Eleanor answers.
I’m not kidding, he says.
You should be, she says, we’re 16.
What about Romeo and Juliet?
Shallow, confused, then dead.
I love you, Park says.
Wherefore art thou, Eleanor answers.
I’m not kidding, he says.
You should be.
'Oh, yeah,' he said. 'You know me.'
I don't, she thought to herself, not really.
'I just can't believe that life would give us each other,' he said, 'and then take it back.'
'I can,' she said. 'Life's a bastard.'
There's no such thing as handsome princes, she told herself.
There's no such thing as happily ever after.
'Sit down,' he said. It came out angrily. The girl turned to him, like she couldn't tell whether he was another jerk or what. 'Jesus-fuck,' Park said softly, nodding to the space next to him, 'just sit down.'
The girl sat down.
Every morning, they were sitting next to each other since then, but never talked to each other. Never. Until finally, Park caught Eleanor reading the comic book that he was read. The next morning and after school, she always did it. Sneaking at his comic, 'till he feels like he should to turn the page slowly.
Dan akhirnya, Park bawain buku-buku comicnya, and he putted it on Eleanor's seat. You can borrow it, he said. Thanks, she said. The next morning, she returned 'em to him, and he already brought the new packs of the book. And it always go on and on and on. Without saying a word. Again.
'Do you like The Smith?' Park asked as he looked at the list of The Smith songs on her book. 'I don't,' she replied. 'Then why you wrote their songs on your book? So that people think that you love them?' 'Short of. I've never even heard any of their song.'
By the night, Park made a tape of The Smith songs for her. He didn't know why he did it, but he did it anyway. The next morning, as always, he putted the books on Eleanor's seat. But with the tape.
'I can't take it. I don't have the player to hear it,' Eleanor said.
So then, he shared his earphone and let her to hear those songs from his ipod. And then love, start to bloom since then.
It was all fun and game, you know. Like a fairy tale. Like in a movie. They went together, and blah-blah-blah, as you can imagine, BUT THEN.
But then the ending, crashed the beautiful story to... I don't know, alas. but I hate the way it ends!
I mean, along those ending that can possibly occur, why do it have to end that way?!
Yak, si Eleanor ceritanya kan tinggal sama ayah tirinya yang galak. Sampai akhirnya dia kabur dari rumah. Anyway, rumah dia sama Park itu satu kompleks. Dia ketemu Park. Dibantulah dia kabur dari situ. Mau ke rumah pamannya, katanya. Posisi mereka di Omaha. Pamannya ada di Minnesota. He drove her to his uncle's house. Dimana malem itu mereka udah senang-senang di taman, and it was actually their first real-date, di malam itu juga, pas Eleanor pulang ke rumah, her step-dad and her mom were fighting, sampai akhirnya Eleanor harus pergi, dan akhirnya dia kabur gitu...
Sampai di Minnesota, everything was fine. She remembered his phone number. Of course, Park knows her uncle's address because he drove her there. And this is how I hate the ending.
She remembered Park's number, but she never called him ever since she was at her uncle's house. Park sent her gifts. Letters. Everything. She left the letters unopened, unread. Never replied it.
Seriously tough, what the fu--, Eleanor?! GIRLS!
Been months. He kept sending her those things. Until he stopped himself. And then he went to the prom-school, and kissed this one girl, named Cat. (Whhhyy?!)
Eleanor feels like it is not good for them if he keep sending her those things, but she found it worst when he gave her totally nothing. Until finally, the next day after prom, as Park woke up from his sleep, he got a postcard. And that was from Eleanor. The End.
Now tell me, why should I love the ending? It just frustrating, you know. It happened too fast. The life changing things. It just.. Too. Freaking. Fast. :"
But oh-well. Oh well.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
+ (album) by Ed Sheeran
I mean, dude. Seriously. I feel like I have to thank her for the + album. Without her maybe Ed will never wrote those songs called Lego House or Sunburn or Give Me Love or the rest of his songs. ☺
1. The A Team
Well, we all know that this song is about a prostitute and then she died. End of the story.
And they say she's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen but lately
Her face seems, slowly sinking, wasting
Crumbling like pastries
And they scream
The worst things in life come free to us
2. Drunk
About Alice? I don't know. It's about breaking up.
And I've got no plans for the weekend
So shall we speak then
Keep it between friends
Though I know you'll never love me like you used to.
You know that feeling when you broke up with someone you really love and that just broke your heart into pieces that you don't want to know anything so you just be drunk instead to feel a little love.
3. U. N. I.
At first, I thought the UNI is pronounced like 'uni' as in the 'university'. But then I listened it, and knowing that it pronounced as 'you and I'. This song is about breaking up too. And I love the intro:
I found your hairband on my bedroom floor,
The only evidence that you've been here before
And I don't get waves of missing you anymore,
They're more like tsunami tides in my eyes
Never getting dry, so I get high,
smoke away the days never sleep with the light on
Weeks pass in the blink of an eye,
And I'm still drunk at the end of the night
I don't drink like everybody else,
I do it to forget things about myself,
Stumble and fall with the head spin I got
My mind's with you but my heart's just not
So am I close to you anymore, if it's over
And there's no chance that we'll work it out
That's why you and I ended over U N I
And I said that's fine, but you're the only one that knows I lied
This song has its story line. You know if you really listen to the lyrics, it just heartbreaking.
4. Grade 8
This song is about falling in love (Yeay! Finally bukan lagu galau :D).
Your strumming on my heart strings like you were a grade 8
but i never felt this way,
I'll pick your feet up off of the ground and never ever let you down
Why do I love Ed that much? Jago nyekil, bok! :">
Your body is my ballpoint pen
And your mind is my new best friend,
Your eyes are the mirror to take me to the edge again,
5. Wake Me Up
Bingung mau nyantumin liriknya yang mana.
And you will never know
Just how beautiful you are to me
But maybe I'm just in love
When you wake me up
This song has its story line too. And it's really clear like he tells a story with a song. It's flashing back some memories. And it just beautiful.
And I know you love Shrek
Because we've watched it 12 times
And maybe we're hoping for a fairytale too
The first time I heard this song, I smiled a lot like seriously. Imagining those things like how sweet it is. ♥
6. Small Bump
It's about.... an unborn baby. :-)
You’re just a small bump unborn
In four months you’re brought to life
I don't know man, but I found it attractive when a boy playing around with children. :D
Fingernails the size of a half grain of rice
And eyelids closed to be soon open wide
A small bump,
In four months you’ll open your eyes
7. This
You start to fall again with that someone.
This is the start of something beautiful
This is the start of something new
You are the one that will make me lose it all
You are the start of something new